首页 > 玄幻魔法 > 四大刁蛮VS四大邪魅 > NO.36 Nobody

NO.36 Nobody(2/2)

好书推荐: 穿越诛仙 凤耀九天 九霄玄帝 不死神皇 穿parda的女总监 都市贵胄 失宠公主要翻身 网王之霸爱傲娇女王 护天剑仙 不死疯少

i want nobody nobody nobody nobody

why cant we just, just be like this

cause its you that i need and nothing else until the end

who else can ever make me feel the way i

i feel when im with you, no one will ever do

telling me youre not good enough

my life with you is just too tough

you know me enough so

you know what i need boy

right next to you is where i need to be。

i want nobody nobody but you, i want nobody nobody but you

how can i be with another, i dont want any other

i want nobody nobody nobody nobody

i want nobody nobody but you, i want nobody nobody but you

how can i be with another, i dont want any other

i want nobody nobody nobody nobody

i dont want no body, body

i dont want no body, body

honey you know its you that i want, its you that i need

why cant you see~

i want nobody nobody but you, i want nobody nobody but you

how can i be with another, i dont want any other

i want nobody nobody nobody nobody

back to the days when we were so young and wild and free

nothing else matters other than you and me

so tell me why cant it be

please let me live my life my way

why do you push me away

i dont want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you。

新书推荐: 迟来的关心比草贱,我成魔帝你们哭什么! 下山完婚,我的天师身份曝光了 互联网时代,谁还做传统游戏? 老婆倒贴白月光,被坑死的我重生了 炽炎焚天 娇捻珠玉 沐光而行 恶毒女配被偷听心声后,全家人杀疯了 职业挡桃花,姜总别太爱 流放后,小兽医她靠种田养家致富